
iPhone 6 Plus vs 7 Plus Camera in Low Light


iPhone 6 plus versus iPhone 7 plus low light comparison.

So I just picked up the new iPhone 7 last week, and I can say that the new camera is a huge improvement in low light. Typically, DSLR lenses cost a ton more for each stop of light you gain from faster apertures.

The combination of image stabilization, noise reduction, and a faster lens has improved the low light performance (as you can clearly see in the photo above). The iPhone 6 Plus uses a f2.2 lens and the iPhone 7 Plus uses a f1.8 lens. Pretty amazing what these little gadgets can do now-a-days.

I won’t be shooting astrophotography with the iPhone 7 Plus, but at the rate things are improving, it could actually be a possibility in a future generation.

Ps. Thanks to Rudy for being a guinea pig for my photo experiments. 😎