i saw this recently. It was a great reminder of the things we should never loose site of.
1. Outcomes, not income.
2. Connections, not transactions.
3. People, not product.
4. Creativity, not productivity.
the idea is that these for pillars = “smart growth for economies, communities, and…” blah blah blah.
really, what interests me is living up to this promise in the face of a tough economy. i for one promise to design for people, first and foremost. i believe if you improve the quality of life with design, we can create better companies. the people in your company need to know that the product you’re creating is not just a revenue generating beast. they need to feel as though there is a higher purpose in their daily contribution.
checking emails, organizing files, and spending hours in meetings really means nothing if the end goal isn’t to make the lives around us better.
does your company make you feel like you our your employees feel like they’re “powered by smart growth”?