I love Japan.
Monthly Archives: March 2010
Awesome music video. No special effects.
In contrast to all the high tech 3d compositing and animation, it’s nice to see some ways to innovate, old school. Very nice timing. I wonder if they did it all in one take.
iPhone used for 3d video compositing.
This is a really cool use of an iPhone to set up motion tracking, 3d video compositing, etc. Check out Pro Video Coalition for more details.
Here’s the final commercial.
Here’s the behind the scenes. You’ve gotta watch this. Impressive!
Augmented (hyper)Reality.
Impressive demonstration… but they should have picked a different scenario, like doing something more productive. All that interactive surface and augmented reality is a waste of power, just to make a cup of tea.
Hat tip: Dan
Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.
Panic status board.
Okay, I’m going to design something like this too… the visualization is just awesome (and useful!). I’d like to design a visualization for our trac system. Heh.
AddThis.com design refresh.
We rolled out the new redesign! I’ll talk the design changes later… for now, I’d like to just take a sec and thank the team (in no particular order, Jim, Foo, Joel, Philip, Justin, Mano, QA, Oren, Hoo, Will, etc). It’s nice to see the site get some design love. Visit addthis.com