Reznor & Fincher

I’m watching The Social Network with my coworkers tomorrow evening. The movie features some of my favorite creative people such as David Fincher and Trent Reznor. Fincher and Reznor have been featured together before in one of my all time favorite movies, Se7en. In Se7en’s precuror, you’ll hear a version of Closer originally written by Reznor. The movie uses a remixed version by Coil. The movie contained some of my favorite music, theme and story. In my opinion, Se7en was Fincher’s best work. Not sure The Social Network will top it… but we’ll see.

Here’s the precursor from Se7en:

2 thoughts on “Reznor & Fincher

  1. It's funny… I thought of se7en while I was watching he social network during the crew scene… was good to get another taste of Trent on the big screen.

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