Herndon vs Stonebridge

As You May Know
I’ve been playing volleyball for the last few months. I watched a good match between Herndon and Stonebridge Highschool.

Here are my notes:
Always serve in, otherwise you’re giving away free points.
Passing makes plays.
Setting to your weakest hitters is like free balling.
No matter what, don’t free ball. Hit everything.
Stay low.
Transition and be ready.

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5 thoughts on “Herndon vs Stonebridge

  1. well…i'm not hating on them…there's a reason why they loss all their final games (and pretty much all the other games).

    wouldn't you want to learn how to improve rather than just accept it?

    i love top gun, but i'm biased because my bf is on the team. heheh. 😉

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