Fukushima’s Radioactive Ocean

Japan’s nuclear watchdog has now declared the leak of radioactive water from Fukushima a “state of emergency.” Each day, 300 tons of radioactive water seeps into the ocean, and it’s now clear that TEPCO has engage in a two-and-a-half-year cover-up of immense magnitude. –Natural News

Yikes. As much as I want to go to Japan again, it looks like dangerous times there.

Hat tip: Annie

3 thoughts on “Fukushima’s Radioactive Ocean

    • Wow, that pizza looks amazing! I can’t wait to make this. Lately I’m in love with roasted tomatoes, so I may add those as well. Otherwise I may try roasted tomatoes, carrots, and mushrooms, with ga;c#l&i8230r.Amy J recently posted..

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