Xmas with the Phung’s


I took a train from Richmond to DC and then the metro to Maryland to hang out with Annie’s family. Here are some photos from the evening.


This family loves their super heroes.


And the Phung sisters taking their selfie.


Xander and Julia on a power board.


I’m not sure exactly what this pose is, but it’s something that Julia, Carrie and Kent do every year.


Mr. and Mrs. Phung watching people sing karaoke.


People love them some karaoke.


And of course presents.


Happy holidays everyone!

3 thoughts on “Xmas with the Phung’s

  1. Hi Valeria,I just found you from the Bloom site. Your work is amazing! I love that you have your own style. You can ralely tell that you put a lot of work in your photos planning the shot and of course the amazing post editing. Congrats on starting your new biz! I’m sure you’ll be a huge success!

  2. felicitats a tota la colla!Aixo tambe ens ajuda a començar a provar la canalla i a donarlis mes protagonisme…. segurament dins la nostre canalla tenim mes d’una estrella que encara no em descobert!… treballant la canalla en un asaig hem estrenat canalla, si treballem amb la misma linea., podriem canviar tot el pom de dalt en poc temps… per mi descaregar els tres castells d’ahir demostra que busquem alternatives i que les tenim….

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