My mom had eye procedure this past week for her cataracts. While I visited her in Richmond, I took an evening to take a run around Belle Isle. It’s been nearly 2 decades since I’ve worked out there. For context, I used to work out at 5am with a fitness group led by an ex-navy seal. This was one of the locations we rotated in each week, and it was probably the most scenic experiences watching the sun rise over city while doing ruthlessly intense workout.

It’s wild to think I used to work out with my buddy Mark here—we held each other on the railing, doing endless tricep dips. There’s a bit of nostolgia here, and I was reminded of the pace/lifestyle of richmond. As I ran around Belle Isle thursday evening, there were mountain bikers, kayakers, and people out on the water. No one was in a rush, and it felt nice.

I’m not sure if I’ll ever settle back down in Richmond, but I understand its allure.