I was avoiding trying to buy a new camera, but I had to do it. While gear doesn’t help make better content, I think it can help you with inspiration and explore. Similar to buying Porsche or Ferrari, it won’t necessarily make you a faster driver… but there’s nothing wrong with owning it and appreciating the sport.
Since getting this setup, I have shot about 5 videos, mostly in a vlog or studio format, and I have had phenomenal results. At first, I was using the stock cinetone 10 bit settings, but I’ve now gone full Slog 3 with cinema grading… and I have been so pleased with the results. The FX3 punches way above its weight class and rivals images that come out of an Arri. I definitely don’t need anything this powerful, but it’s just so much fun to use.
We’ll geek out on the specs a little more in a future post, but I just wanted to express how amazing this machine is. It takes a little work to get the look I want, but I am very satisfied. Now it’s time to focus on story telling.
In the mean time, make sure to watch my latest vlog on YouTube that was shot exclusively on the FX3. It documents a recent walk around Glenstone. These are some screenshots pulled from the video.