Uniqlo in San Francisco.
I never heard of this store until Annie and Julia told me about it. Their clothing is a rare combination of sportiness, utility, style, quality and value.
Poofy vests and jackets that can be compressed into tiny bags the size of your fist for storage.
Uniqlo has failed in previous expansion binges. In 2001, the retailer set its sights on capturing customers in the United States and the United Kingdom, but a year-and-a-half of dismal sales later, it shut the doors on most of the new stores. –Huffington Post
Apparently, the CEO tried launching his company several times with different magnitudes of failure. Now Uniqlo is on its way to the top. Seriously, the quality is up there with North Face, but for 1/3 the cost. You can read more about the company here.
I’m definitely going to shop here once I need to update my cloths. I’m really digging the style and practicality… and most of all, the price!
After a little shopping, we went to grab some fresh corn dogs. Yes, there is a restaurant called Hot Dog on a Stick, and it’s amazing. You’ve got to try it out—you have no idea what you’re missing.
Apple Store in the mall.
No mall visit would be complete without visiting the Apple store.
New Apple Watch Nike Bands.
I’m really liking the watch bands made by Nike. I’m not sure if you can order them separately, but they look aiiiiiiight!