Website concept sketch for jeffwongdesign.

I sketched out a couple concepts for an updated portfolio site for jeffwongdesign. I’d like to get some feedback on the visual direction. I’m still working out the navigation, how to showcase the work well, and the general experience… but I wanted to give you a sneak peak and get your thoughts on the conceptual direction.

The images and copy are just place holders—you’ll probably notice, I look a little short, and those are not my hands and feet. This is just mock of what the next direction could be. I’ll figure out the details later.

My goal was to seem approachable, friendly, and playful. I figured I’d throw it up and get some ideas. Thoughts?

**update** I just tweaked it again… and added a footer that looks more like my style and identity. I think it will work well between identifying my blog and portfolio.

6 thoughts on “Website concept sketch for jeffwongdesign.

  1. I just swapped out the photo with a white background. The black background wasn't working… it just didn't feel like me. Anyway, I like this new design better. heh.

  2. Thanks! I just updated the design a little, and tried tying it back to my current template. I think this new one works better as an identity system.

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