AddThis 2013 Kickoff

We had a great kick off meeting. It’s pretty wild how many people are in the company now. There are so many faces that I don’t recognize.

As part of getting to know everyone, I’ve taken pictures of all the employees again this year (with the help of Andy). I’m hoping to show off some of those photos soon.


Today we had a pretty long day of meetings. It’s good to see all the execs formulate a plan and internalize a lot of the things we talked about last year.


After our day long meetings, we went to play laser tag. I did decent, considering it was my first time. My highest score was in capture the flag. I scored 3rd place with a hit ratio of 93.94%. So here are some quick tips for laser tag: 1) bring in an extra set of cloths b/c you’ll sweat, 2) come up with a funny handle, 3) don’t bother camping—just walk around and shoot people.

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