Mars Edit for Blogging

Mars edit

Some of you may be wondering what software I use to blog. I use wordpress as my blog platform, and I use Mars Edit to create new posts. Mars Edit is so much better than any other editor that I’ve used, and I’ve finally shelled out the $$ to buy it. The only feature missing is the ability to upload images at a custom size automatically. Other than that, it’s pretty darn good. For $40, it’s a little pricy, but it’s something I use all the time.

4 thoughts on “Mars Edit for Blogging

  1. Thanks for the kind words about MarsEdit. Are you familiar with the setting in MarsEdit’s blog settings, under “Editing”, for the default size of images? It will automatically constrain your images to those dimensions when you add them to a post. It might help!

    • Thanks! Pretty cool having you drop a long on my blog. I didn’t know you could do that. Unfortunately, I can’t access the top navigation in Mars Edit — it keeps crashing on me. Kind of strange.

    • Ah, I fixed it. I just reinstalled the app and it works now. Wow, I didn’t know that feature was there! Love it. Going to give it a try now. Thanks man!

      • Hi Jeff – sorry I took so long to follow up – it seems that my email notices from Disqus were misfiled.

        Great to hear that you got the crashing to stop. I wonder what was going on there? Let me know if you run into any other issues!


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