Back from Cali

Wow, what a short but amazing trip.

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I went to Cali to meet up with some friends and drift around the city of San Francisco.

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I got to hang out with a bunch of people, even meet with a billionaire for a second (yeh, I know, kind of random).

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There’s a ton to share, so stay tuned.

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I’d like to thank all my friends on the West Coast for being awesome hosts.

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What an incredible experience. Get ready for some pics of different offices, experiences meeting new people, trying different foods, and travel tips.

6 thoughts on “Back from Cali

      • dear mr. Bharat,I agree with Mr. Aggarwal that sand made AAC is better and acceptable worldwide .Before putting project you should considermachinery cost with fly ash vis a vis sandchanges in project layoutavailability of experienced people for sand based recipescalculations on operational cost with sand and market price of aac blocksrejection analysis with flyash/ sandregardsmanav

      • Když už ten pÃ…â„¢edchozí pisatel nÄ›co plácl, tak to mÄ›l hodit pod článek nad tímhle a nÄ›co doplnit. Aspoň, že Tomáš udÄ›lal a pÃ…â„¢elezl Barikádu, Hroba a udÄ›lal Glutaman, kterýho dal tuším Pólo. Víc nevím, tehdy sem tahal lezeckou kačenu na provázku, ale estli sou nÄ›jaký pikantnosti, tak sem s nima;-) Willhem

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