2019 has been one hell of a year, mixed with highs, lows and every emotion in between.

I’ve managed to build and move into a house in Maryland recently with Annie. We finally pulled the trigger earlier this year after trying to figure out the future in terms of relocation. The house took several months to build, and during that time, we had arguably the worst CEO that I’ve ever come across heading up my project. He was cut after 8 months, but that was probably the most stressful point in my career, given that I needed to have a stable job in order to ensure my loan went through for the house. There were several times where I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it, but that is a story in its own. In a nutshell, I was working for a “Tech Bro”—and we spend most of our energy running in place dealing with people problems. The good news is that our company is still moving forward, and my house is complete. For the first time in a long time, I feel that my life is a little better. The house is far from being fully furnished, but there’s something nice about having a place that you can call home.

The second event that was a huge loss and huge hit to me and my family was our family dog, Jack, died earlier. He was highly intelligent, extremely loving, and most of all, he was the anchor of happiness in our family. But, on the opposite side of the spectrum, Annie and I adopted two rescue kittens recently. These two are so adorable and radiate vitality. While it was really sad to see Jack go, we can now give that love to our two new kittens. I just hope that my parents can find a place to fill their hearts soon as well. Nothing will ever replace Jack, but I believe that we can give other animals a wonderful and loving home.

The third big change has happened with me recently—I have started working out again, using a Peloton. Yeh, I’m kind of jumping on the bandwagon, but it’s something that I need. I’m not sure exactly how I can maintain consistency since I have to travel back and forth from the east and west coast, but it’s something that I want to stick with. For the last 5 years of my bi-coastal life, I have put too much my work and building my career. My health has honestly gone to 💩, and I’m probably the heaviest I’ve ever been. I wrote blog posts before about my dieting and losing some weight, but I never managed to stick with it. This past year has been several attempts to start a better diet and exercise, but I’ve already failed. This time, my goal is to start exercising with a strong routine when I’m back on the east coast. In addition to exercise, my goal is to become vegan one day. I’ve never talked about it openly with people, but it’s something that I wanted to do… but didn’t know how. After doing a little research, I’ve learned a little more about it, and it seems possible. It’s going to be hard to give up meat, but I believe I can do it. I have had so many signs after the last couple months that have really pointing me towards changing my diet, and I have to stop making excuses.
As we enter a new year, I want to look at the goals for the next decade. I’m now in my 40’s—I’m middle-aged, overweight, and a workaholic. I need to adjust my priorities, focusing the upcoming year on my health, happiness, and giving back to those who have sacrificed so much for me to be here today. I’ve taken the chance to take an early start before the new year, so I’ve got a little momentum now. I’m hoping that I can stick with the new diet, exercise, and living healthier. That way I can give my best to my family, friends and work. I hope that the changes I can make are lifestyle changes, and not just another failed diet. It’s scary to think that I was around 170 in 2013, and now I’m well over 190 lbs.
I’m also hoping to make time to travel to see some old friends as well. If I haven’t talked to you in a while, let’s sync up. I’ll figure out a way where we can catch up.