5 Minutes with the Snapchat Spectacles

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Photo of Rudy wearing Spectacles for the first time.

I’d like to share some initial impressions. I’d also like to touch on and some challenges ahead of Snap and their new Spectacles.

As you may know, I designed an app similar to Snapchat (called Flare). While the app I created never took off, I had a chance to talk to hundreds of people, and observe the behavior of thousands of people and I’ve developed a perspective about the space.

Daily Usage = Daily Habits

Word on the street is that Snapchat has had some insane DAU/MAU (the ration between daily active users over monthly active users), upwards of 70% in their most prime growth.

To truly appreciate Snapchat and their retention, you really have to ask “how they created such a pattern of daily habits to hook their users”. There’s definitely a science to how Snapchat created habits through ephermal photos and 24 hour stories, but there’s something different about Spectacles.

The first thing you notice when you use the Spectacles is that it’s doesn’t feel like something you can use every day. The fact that they’re sunglasses makes it difficult to use when you’re indoors or at night, unless you’re Casey Neistat.

The second issue is that the process of uploading is slow and somewhat clumsy. This is a substantial amount of friction that punishes users for using Spectacles. Instead of rewarding the user for posting more, there is a negative feedback loop where the user has to wait. Just to give you an idea of how important performance is, I used to benchmark Snapchat’s camera launch versus our product. On average, Snapchat launched in about 3 seconds on an iPhone 6 plus. As you know, seconds add up. When talking to high school students, there was a girl that proudly admitted that she launched Snapchat at least 200 times a day. If you do the math, she had to wait at least 10 minutes a day for snapchat to load. If you multiplied that by a year, she spends 60.83 hours a year for Snapchat to load.

While the upload performance of Spectacles will inevitably improve, it’s still friction. All those seconds add up, at it really makes me question whether people will develop a habit around Spectacles.

I wonder if there’s enough dopamine generated when users snap with this accessory. Without instant gratification, I question whether users will naturally use Spectacles as their first choice camera (versus using a smart phone). And even if they use the Spectacles first, they still have to transfer files.

If the Spectacles could auto upload without a phone, I think they’re on their way to becoming an awesome camera that reduces friction across the board.

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Spectacles oversized charging case.

Light + Small = Portable

While the Spectacles are delightfully light, the case (that doubles as a charger) is unreasonably large, heavy, and not very sexy. For $130, they’ve created an incredible amount of value, but for some reason, there’s a lot left to be desired. The case won’t fit in your pocket–I mean, this thing is the size of a giant f’n burrito. Let’s just say you’d have to be pretty damn determined to carry this case inside your purse or pocket. While it probably offers an amazing amount of protection, it’s just comedically oversized.

I like that the case doubles as a charger, but it’s just not portable… and I think that is a mistake. Even the magnetic charging cable that comes with it is a little clumsy. Sorry to be so negative, but it lacks the minimalist ethos that I expect from all Snap products. It doesn’t feel very Snapchat, you know?

For me, a winning Spectacles case would be something 50% slimmer, lighter, and not a triangular burrito shape.

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Hooman showing me how to upload photos to Snapchat.

Previews + Control = Posting

People are self conscious about posting things. When I designed Flare and Bunch, I can tell you that users need to see previews. Without previews, users don’t know what they’re sharing to the rest of the world. All it takes is one bad post to tarnish their reputation or cause a huge embarrassment. While a preview adds another step to the posting process, it psychologically helps the user build confidence because they have control before posting. This, in turn, reduces friction in the long run. Users build trust with a product, building a positive feedback loop.

The Spectacles act more like a Go Pro versus a Snapchat product. I definitely think that there’s a market for this kind of product, but I suspect that Snapchat users will have to develop a new habit if they’re naturally self conscious.

And let me be clear, Snapchat is not all about posting anything and everything. Users on Snapchat actually curate their own stories, strategically posting what they want people to see. After talking to hundreds of Snapchat users, posting too often is considered bad etiquette, making a user feel needy or spammy. While Snapchat encourages people to post more, most people will only share a certain number of photos in their story. I’m not sure if the Spectacles will be able to override old habits or rewrite the rules of the game. Will it be okay to post 30 videos using Spectacles? Probably not.

Snapchat = Selfies

I think Snap knows that they’re the king of selfies… and perhaps they may be a victim of their own success. Yep, users love the lenses (ie. the doggie selfie). Spectacles will generate new content. While it can be formatted vertically and horizontally, I think the outward facing camera is interesting. I wonder if Snapchat has too much selfie content. One has to ask what are the long term effects of users consuming too many photos of selfies?

The fact that Snap is investing in a outward facing camera tells me that they want more content that’s more interesting for other people to watch.

And if I speculate, once Spectacles can miniaturize the Hololens experience, Snap will be the player to beat in augmented reality. The potential of creating a mixed reality experience in their Spectacles is something that I am personally really excited about. I just hope that this is just a first gen stepping stone that’ll get them there.

And if don’t think it’s going to happen, check out the latest description of their company:

Snap Inc. is a camera company.
We believe that reinventing the camera represents our greatest opportunity to improve the way people live and communicate.
Our products empower people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together.

Snap is maturing, growing into larger shoes, and reaching a larger audience. To continue their growth, their brand is changing. They’re entering the hardware game and it’s focused on outward facing content. This is extremely bold, and I applaud them for taking a new direction. As they create a new ecosystem of content and users, it’ll be fascinating to see which adventure they choose.

Anyway, I think Spectacles are cool, but they’re not for everyone. Right now, the only people that have them are investors. I’d be curious to borrow Hooman’s Spectacles for a week and get Annie’s sisters to play with it and do a real world stress test.

Shit, my MacBook fell off my bike.

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Photo of my Macbook after it fell off my bike.

Shit. On my bike ride home tonight, my bag fell off my rack after I hit a really hard bump on the road. Somehow the bag (which is connected to my rear bike rack), unlocked itself, causing it to fall off while I was riding at around 20mph. When I turned around, I noticed that my bag was missing off my bike, and I road back.

Some guy, in his car was staring at my bag (as if he was going to take it). I swear, some people are assholes here. Had I left it there for another 30 seconds, I think he would have swindled it.

Anyway, the laptop was in a protective sleeve, but it didn’t provide enough protection against the asphalt. I have a huge dent on the corner of the MacBook, and part of the screen is cracked now. This totally sucks because I love this machine and it has been my work horse for the last year and a half.


Now I’m going to have to figure out what to do. I think I’ll have to buy a harddrive to back everything up–I’m glad that I didn’t lose everything on there. Second, I’m going to have to see if I can get it replaced, or at a minimum, sell it off and try to recoup some money to buy a new machine.

Right now I’m blogging from my old broken MacBook Air from 2010. Maybe I should sell this one off too and just put it all towards something new. Or maybe I shouldn’t buy any more computers for a while and just stick to using my iPhone. Lol.

Anyway, I’m really bummed b/c I really took care of that thing… and my stupid bag had to fall off. Thankfully, I didn’t have my camera in there as well. I think in the future, I’m going to keep anything valuable in a book bag instead. I have so little in my life (in terms of material objects)… so it really hurts when I break a tool that I use every day. *grumble*

Okay, that’s enough moping for now. I’ve gotta consult with my team and get their advice.

Electric Bike Tour around SF and Sausalito with Annie and Julia


Riding across the Golden Gate Bridge, covered in fog.

Wow, so I am so behind on blogging. Like, I have photos from months ago that I haven’t shared. Anyway, I’ve gotta get better about posting more content more frequently.

Anyway, I wanted to share some photos of when Annie and Julia came to visit me in SF. I had tried out some electric bikes before, but this was the first time I actually went for a real ride–we ended up riding around Embarcadero, Presidio, across the Golden Gate Bridge, and all the way to Sausalito.


Julia getting some Blue Bottle coffee before the bike ride.


Photo of Annie perfecting her coffee, since it wasn’t quite right.

Side note, I’m not a huge fan of Blue Bottle. I love their logo, but their coffee is just too bitter for me. If you ask me, I’m more of a Philz Coffee kind of guy.


Photo of Annie and Julia watching the safety video at Blazing Saddles.

When we got to Blazing Saddles, they made us watch a video about the tour, and then they let us try different bikes. At the time, I really wanted to try out a Stromer, but the only models they had were really old ones. They had one really new model on display, and I wanted to rent that one, but they gave me some old beat up model. Fortunately, I spoke to the owner and they straightened everything out. We ended up renting their own home made electric bikes, and they were actually really impressive.


Video of the tour.


Photo of Annie in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.

A thick fog rolled in in a matter of minutes, and we could hardly see anything when we were on the bridge. It was a little unnerving, not to mention really cold. I think we were all underdressed on this bike tour.


The fog rolling over the mountains. As you can see, there was hardly any visibility.


Annie looking at a whole ‘lotta fog.


Every once and a while, you could see the top of the bridge.


Looking up at the bridge scaffolding. Notice the fog wrapping around the top, carried by a brisk wind.


Fog completely engulfing the bridge. We were lucky just to see the top of the scaffolding from time to time.

I wasn’t joking about the fog. It was literally rolling across the entire bay in a matter of minutes. The fog was carried by a strong brisk wind, with strong gusts.


Photo of the bikes we road, built by Blazing Saddles.

I have to say that the bikes built by Blazing Saddle were exceptional. They were comfortable, easy to ride, and most importantly provided enough assist on even the toughest hills. The the best part was that they had plenty of power–we literally road for hours and had plenty of juice left by the end of the ride.


Photo of Julia and Annie preparing to ride towards Sausalito.


The fog was quite a marvel as it rolled across the bay and bridge.


Fog rolling over the top of Sausalito.

One of the most breath taking scenes was observing how the fog would blanket the side of the hills around Sausalito. The fog would cascade over tree tops like a waterfall over rocks.


Photo of Sausalito.

The sun started setting when we got to Sausalito, so we enjoyed the view and prepared to head back on a ferry.


The main street that runs along Sausalito.

While this neighborhood looks upscaled and nice, I will warn all cyclists that the drivers around here are a little reckless. Watch out for the crazies, because they sure don’t give a damn about cyclists on the road.


Another photo of Sausalito.

I can’t help but to think how much my dad would love this part of town. There’s something about it that feels small, but upscale. It reminds me a lot of Reedville, VA (but a rich version in California).


Catching our ferry back to San Francisco.


Photo of Annie and Julia, with Sausalito in the background.


The sun setting, with an incredible reflection in the bay.


Bikes stacked tightly on the ferry.


Returning our bikes to Blazing Saddles.

They had a nice warm welcome when we returned. I have to say that Blazing Saddle offered a really good experience and I would definitely go there again to rent a bike (if I needed one).

Annie and Julia will be back soon, and I have a sneaking suspicion that we’ll be doing this again. Only this time, I have my own personal electric bike that I can use.

Photo of the Milky Way with Noise Reduction


Photo of the Milky Way created from 30 stacked photos.

I shot a time lapse last night and got some pretty nice pictures of the Milky Way. The photo pictured above was created from 30 photos, with a median stack. Shot at 3200 ISO, a single image had a decent amount of noise.


A single photo of the Milky Way with noise.

Notice the amount of image noise in the darker areas. I added some noise reduction, but it still looked kind of janky around the edges.

Time lapse video created from the photos.


Sunset from Bernal Heights

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Photo of an amazing sunset from Bernal Heights.

I was able to get home a little earlier and catch the sunset earlier this week, on my bike ride home.

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Photo of my ebike next to Bernal Heights.

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Photo of the sunset, shot with the iPhone 7 Plus.

This is a great reminder for me to get outside and enjoy the view.